The University of South Wales is a multi-cultural and multi-faith community. This rich mix of people from different backgrounds makes the University an exciting place to live.
Living alongside people who are different, learning to value diversity and offering respect and dignity to those around us is as much part of the learning process at University as the course you have enrolled on. We believe that developing as a whole person offers you a foundation from which to build for the future.
Your time as a student is an ideal time to try out new ideas, meet people of different cultures, different religious beliefs and different philosophies.
In Wales we live in a society that enjoys freedom of speech and freedom of religion. Everyone has the right to express their beliefs, and this naturally means the right to try to convert other people to them. After all, if you believe something strongly, and it makes a big difference in your life, you naturally want to share it with others.
Whilst this is said there are some groups that don’t play fair. They target vulnerable people who are lonely, disorientated by life in a new community, homesick or going through some sort of personal crisis. They shower them with kindness and friendship and can draw them away from family, friends and other support structures until they alone are free to dominate people’s lives. They stop at nothing to bring others under their influence. These groups are dangerous – they could lead you into an emotional prison from which you would find it hard to escape.
So, listen to all kinds of people and be prepared to learn and change your mind. But always remember that your mind is your own. It’s your life and no-one has the right to dominate you.
Some religious movements have been criticised for their strong recruitment styles or other practices which followers are expected to conform to. For this reason we advise any student who is considering joining such a group to contact us.
If you are unsure how to identify a group that may not be all it seems it is usually marked by some or all of the following signs:
Almost everybody goes through times when they feel lonely, confused, or long for a new life that is easier than the current one. This is probably more likely to happen while you are a student than at other times during your lifetime.
When you feel like that you could easily be a target for one of these destructive groups, reach out instead to someone you can trust, such as:
If you are not in a crisis yourself, but know someone who is, watch out for them and try and link them with someone who can be trusted to help.